Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hi there!

Well I haven't written in quite a while. Things are going very well. I have a new job...Ultimately, it's the same job I had before, except with more hours, a little less pay, better people, and a lot more fun.
I'm going to brag for just a few seconds....
I've done astonishingly well for the last week.
Our percentages are meant to be VERRRY low. I guess it's the work accomplished to time spent accomplishing said work ratio or something similar. Production rate I suppose.
thirty is average.
Twenty is exceptional and people rarely make that low.
In the last week, I got 17.87 which is unheard of.
It was good both for my ego and for the guys who were slacking a little, because they worked extra hard, if not just to beat me. Yesterday, we did VERY well. I think I did seventeen or eighteen surveys, if not more. They were a blast. I love days that just zoom by because I am so busy!!!

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