Monday, January 19, 2009

Now I'm scared.

I really need you to pray for my family. We're going through a very difficult time now.
My brother ran away today.
His name is Anthony and he's seventeen.
I'm so scared right now....I don't know if he'll be back or when, and I'm so worried about him. I'm trying hard not to let it consume everything, but right now, I'm so frightened and hurt that I can barely think! It's not totally sunk in yet...a part of me feels like he'll come back soon but the most part of me is torn up and screaming because I don't think he'll ever come home. I'm so afraid for him now.
I guess the closest thing I can compare it to is when Melina died. It's different though, because when she died, I knew. Even before I was told, I knew.
Right now, I have no knowledge other than the fact that he is gone. There is a messy, unoccupied room and a bed that might never be slept in again. I think the most difficult part is the unsurity. I'm so scared and it hurts so much!!!
There was a party. I should have just picked him up like I usually do, but this time, Mom got involved.
He was arrested and turned back over to us.
And then he left.
He blamed everything on me. Said that it was my fault he was caught. I know that it isn't, but for some reason I feel at least partially responsible. He needs help. I thought that maybe ratting him out would provide him with the help that he needs. But it didn't do anything! I hate the police sometimes. They don't do anything. They KNEW he was a flight risk. Why couldn't they just hold him overnight or something?! He obviously needs a wake-up call.
I don't know where he is or who he's with, but he can only stay away for so long without being caught.
I just hope that when they do find him, he's still alive.


The Tanner and Bryan Experience said...

you have my prayers

Unknown said...

=[ Wow, I can't imagine how scary that must be. I'm so sorry about that.