Friday, December 5, 2008


Tonight is the DANCE!!!!
Last night I had several answers to prayers.
I know what I am doing next semester for sure...
I will be moving to the Ukraine to teach English!
I leave the US on January 14th and won't return until June 4th.
I'm terrified and excited and nervous all at once!!!

1 comment:

Becky said...


Came across your blog tonight while blog-hopping through cousins' blogs.

Anywho, the Ukraine--Wow! That is cool! Have fun, take lots of pictures, and make the most of it :)

P.S. I loved your husband list...I made a list (with many similar qualities) when I was a sophomore at ASU and I found the man who met 99% of the requirements on my list and we have been oh-so-happy-ever after :) Feel free to stop by my blog anytime!

Again, good luck in the Ukraine!